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Queenerose Resngit


Meet Queenerose Resngit, known as Coach Q. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology from San Francisco State University and has 11 years of experience in powerlifting, which has given her a deep understanding of mobility and the mind-muscle connection.


Coach Q is dedicated to holistic health and holds an advanced neuromuscular license. She is focused on empowering her clients to become their best selves and is eager to work with people who want to build the bridge between tissue work and training. Her diverse clientele includes high school athletes, parents, retirees, tech professionals, nurses, and anyone looking to improve their understanding of their bodies.

Her motto is "Elevate people's mental well-being through their physical health," and she believes that failures are valuable stepping stones to success. 


Coach Q's expertise includes various massage techniques, such as: Sports Massage, Deep Tissue, Swedish Massage, Graston Technique, Cupping, Trigger Point Release, and Lymphatic Massage.

Education and Certifications:

  • NASM-CES (Certified Exercise Specialist)

  • NASM-CPT (Certified Personal Trainer)

  • Xios Fitness Certification

  • Powerlifting Training

  • Precision Nutrition LVL 1 Certification

Join Coach Q on your journey to improved well-being and self-discovery.

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